Week 2:
This week in improvisation I found that I am beginning to get into it a lot more and I am enjoying the experiences that I having, especially some of the tasks we did during this session. I found that in the beginning section when laying on the floor I felt as though I was melting into it. I really liked this sensation once we had tensed our bodies it was a good feeling but very unusual at the same time. Once this happened working in the pairs I felt very relaxed and calm, the mirroring exercise I found at points it worked well and at others not as much. It was harder when we had to use our peripheral vision because you never fully knew what the movement was that they were doing so at points there could’ve been two completely different things going on. It felt very floaty and it was nice how we didn’t always rush things. This I think is useful for improvisation as it doesn’t always have to be fast it can be slow and simple, it doesn’t have to be this huge thing that happens it can be simple. It made this improvisation interesting because at points our bodies were slightly different which makes it slightly more intriguing to the eye,
After this we did some tracking this I found myself constantly thinking, stopping and starting to find new ways use my body and new parts of my body to use. I wasn’t too keen on this I found it difficult not to keep going back and using the same body parts or similar movements to what I have already done. Stopping and starting during this I found slightly confused me and frustrated me a little because I wasn’t just doing the movement I was focused on, which body part am I going to use? What comes next? Splitting into the two smaller groups I felt like it helped me a lot with someone observing because they were able to tell me what I naturally do and movement patterns I do.
Hannah.G was my observer the feedback I got;
• Habitual arm circles – she told me I naturally circle some of my movement so to improve and create more I am going to try to come out of this a create new ways of using movement
• Facing – try to change the way I turn naturally I go to the right or stay facing forward I need to be able to vary this a lot more
• Thinking – at points I would maybe it’s because I was thinking about what to do next although she said that when I didn’t stop a lot of the movement flowed through nicely and some of the patterns were nice to watch. Just do it don’t stop!!!
Lastly improve jam was a lot of fun once I found myself and got into it. At first I was very apprehensive to this but once I went into the middle I found that I lost myself a little when doing it. At first it was a little daunting but then became more comfortable. As I become more comfortable once I started I didn’t want to stop what I was doing but it was interesting to observe as well to see what others naturally do. I found when I hit a little moment and was unsure I would go into a habitual second to help me travel or some form of arm rotation. I also like the fact I just went for it because there is no way you can go wrong in improve but throwing myself into it made me feel a bit more confident. Gradually I need to realise more what my habitual movements are and I need to be able to slowly pull myself away from them to open myself up to new movements and to enable myself to go more internal and deeper into my body.